Rotary Club of Nagpur Elite - Rotary India

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Bless your day with meditation session -8

On 8/3/25, Rotary club of Nagpur Elite in association with District. . .

workshop on Queries & solutions Adolescent student

On 24/2/25, the Rotary Club Nagpur Elite organized a workshop on Qu. . .

Counseling on exams stress & tension management

On 24/2/25, the Rotary Club Nagpur Elite organized a workshop on Ho. . .

Bless your day with meditation session 7

On 22/2/25, Rotary club of Nagpur Elite in association with Distric. . .

Bless your day with meditation session 6

On 8/2/25, Rotary club of Nagpur Elite in association with District. . .

Mega Medical camp at East Point School

On 25/01/25, Rotary club of Nagpur Elite organized a mega medical c. . .

Bless your day with meditation session -5

On 25/01/25, Rotary club of Nagpur Elite in association with Distri. . .

Health Check up camp" Anemia Hatao"

On 21/01/25, Rotary club of Nagpur Elite conducted a health check c. . .

Talk on safe and unsafe touch and mental health.

The National Service Scheme (NSS) unit of Santaji Mahavidhyalaya su. . .

Bless your day with meditation session-4

On 11/01/25, Rotary club of Nagpur Elite in association with Distri. . .

Bless your day with meditation session-3

On 28/12/24 Rotary club of Nagpur Elite in association with Distric. . .

Dental Checkups camp

On 21/12/24 Rotary club of Nagpur Elite in association with Devansh. . .

Session -prevention & cure in adolescent student

On 21/12/24 Rotary club of Nagpur Elite in association organized me. . .

speaker session Physical health of adolescent girl

On 21/12/24 Rotary club of Nagpur Elite organized medical health ca. . .

speaker session Emotional Mental health

On 21/12/24 Rotary club of Nagpur Elite in association organized me. . .

Mazi Surakhsha Sudrud tan Man

On 21/12/24 Rotary club of Nagpur Elite organized medical health ca. . .

Committed Surgery

As committed by the Director Community service Medical Rtn. Dr. Sud. . .

Bless your day with meditation session 2

On 14/12/24 Rotary club of Nagpur Elite in association with Distric. . .

Speaker session in Basatrwari school,

RCN Elite started a series of school health awareness programme whi. . .

Speaker session on Garbhasanskar Rt. Vishaka Pawar

On 01/12/24, Rotary club of Nagpur Elite organized a speaker sessio. . .

Speaker session by Mrs Shilpa Sathe Garbhasanskar

On 30/11/24, Rotary club of Nagpur Elite organized a speaker sessio. . .

Bless your day with Meditation session 1

Bless Your Day with Meditation- The meditation webinars by Rotary. . .

speaker session of Dr. Vishaka Jogdand on ANC

On 22/11/24, Rotary club of Nagpur Elite organized a speaker sessio. . .

Donation of Books.

On 16/11/24, The President Dr. Sushma Deshmukh of Rotary club of Na. . .

Blood donation camp

The Rotary Club of Nagpur Elite, in collaboration with National Law. . .

Medical counselling for gynecological problems

Rotary club of Nagpur Elite organized a medical counselling for gyn. . .

Talk on cancer awareness prevention & cure 26/10

On 26/10/24, RCN Elite organized Talk on Cancer Awareness, Preventi. . .

Talk on Cancer Mental health psychological aspects

On 26/10/24 Rotary Club of Nagpur Elite organized Talk on It’s No t. . .

Kapada Seva Bank

The Rotary Club of Nagpur Elite launched the Kapada Seva Bank, aimi. . .

Medical Camp at Village Sukali Khalar 20/10/24

On 20th October 2024, Rotary Club of Nagpur Elite held a Mega Medic. . .

Tree plantation at village sukali Khalar

A Tree Plantation drive was organized at Village Sukali Khalar on 2. . .

Eye and Dental checkup medical camp

On September 21, 2024, RCN Elite, in collaboration with Devanshi De. . .

Talk on "PCOS" prevention and cure

On September 18, 2024, RCN Elite organized a speaker session featur. . .

Awareness of child & sex abuse for parrents

On 13th September-24 RCN Elite organize a talk on Sex and Child abu. . .

Awareness of Child & sex abuse for parrents

On 10th September-24 RCN Elite organize a talk on Sex and Child abu. . .

Diet Vision-Diet quiz

On 4/9/24 RCN Elite in association with Santaji Mahavidyalaya organ. . .

Diet Vision-Diet Skit performance

On 4/9/24 RCN Elite organized diet Vision/Exhibition with diet skit. . .

Diet Vision-Diet Fashion Show

On 4/9/24 RCN Elite organized diet Vision/Exhibition with Fashion s. . .

Diet in diff. phases of life of female panel disc

On 4/9/24 RCN Elite organized diet Vision/Exhibition with panel dis. . .

Panel discussion on diet various diseases

On 4/9/24 RCN Elite organized diet Vision/Exhibition with panel dis. . .

Diet Vision -24/Diet Exhibition-24

The "Diet Vision-24" diet exhibition, jointly organized by RCN Elit. . .

"Sheh Dhaga" Rakshabhandhan celebration

Rotary Club of Nagpur Elite organised a Sheh Dhaga Rakhsbhandan pr. . .

Friendship Day Celebration

RCN Elite celebrated Friendship Day on 10/8/24 . It Starts with tra. . .

Talk on Cancer Mental health psychologicalaspecet

On 27/7/24 Rotary Club of Nagpur Elite organized Talk on It’s No to. . .

Talk on cancer awareness prevention & cure 27/7/24

On 27/7/24 RCN Elite organized Talk on Cancer Awareness ,Prevention. . .

Free BMD-Bone Mineral Density Camp &Consultation

On 23/7/24 Rotary club of Nagpur Elite in association with Central . . .

Talk on Cancer Mental health psychological aspect

On 18/7/24 Rotary Club of Nagpur Elite organized Talk on It’s No to. . .

Talk on Cancer awareness, prevention & cure 18/7/2

On 18/7/24RCN Elite organized Talk on Cancer Awareness ,Prevention . . .

Tree Plantation Drive 11/7/24

A Tree Plantation drive was organized at Rtn. Dr. Prakash Wankhede’. . .